The popular mobile messaging application released the Voice Calling feature in February, but only the Android users had access to it, making the iOS user very frustrated and envious of this privileged category. Finally, after months of waiting, the developers finally added Voice Calling to iOS, along with the 2.12.1 version, which was uploaded on iTunes on April 21.
WhatsApp is following in the steps of its rivals, Skype and Viber, which are experts in the area of VoIP calling, but for now, the WhatsApp users can’t call landline and mobile numbers. However, even if voice calls are free on WhatsApp, the users need to be connected to the internet, otherwise the application won’t work, and if the connection is poor, the calls may be interrupted.
The version 2.12.1 of WhatsApp for iOS included this feature, but unfortunately, it’s rolling out slowly to the users, meaning that it can’t be activated automatically and the users must wait a few days until they are notified about the feature being finally enabled. It’s still a good thing, because when the developers released it for the Android version, the users needed to be called by their friends, and only based on this invite system they were able to activate Voice Calling on their devices.
The new version also brought an iOS 8 share extension, the option to edit contacts in WhatsApp, there is a quick camera button in chats and the users can send more videos at once. Also, the videos can be rotated or cropped, and with the iOS 8 share extension, the users can share photos, videos and links to WhatsApp from other applications they’re using.
Making voice calls on WhatsApp is very simple. When the user is called by someone, he/she sees a push notification from the messaging service with the name of the person who’s calling, and the option to pick up or to decline the call. Besides, the users can mute the call or to tap on the speakerphone button, to allow other friends nearby them to hear what has to say the person on the other end of the line.
To make a voice call, tap on the Calls tab that is located in front of Chats and Contacts tabs.
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