Clash of Clans – Top 5 Best Kept Secrets

There are many secrets in Clash of Clans which can really affect your performance in this game. Today we’re going to give you a top 5 secrets for Clash of Clans game.

1. Revenge yourself!

While you are offline, some players might attack you, however, you can use the “Revenge” button to attack them back. This is a great advantage since you can look at the village before you attack. We recommend you to check their storages and also locate their Town Hall. If somehow the player has shield on, just come back later when he doesn’t have it anymore.

2. How to protect your Elixirs

There is a trick which may save your Elixirs from your opponents. To do this, just queue a large amount of troops to train, even if you are going to be offline. The trick is that when you do this, your elixirs will be taken away from you, and this way you’ll protect them from your enemies. The point of this trick is that if your troops are still in training you can just cancel them and get your elixirs back without being charged.

3. Give your hero a rest

Sometimes, when you want to do some raids you find out that your hero is dead. To keep your hero away from unnecessary deaths, put him to “Sleep”. Go to your hero’s settings and you will see that he has a “Sleep” or “Guard” mode. When the “Guard” mode is enabled, he will always defend the village, while when having “Sleep” mode activated, he will sleep in his pedestal, being available with full HP whenever you will need him for a raid.

4. How to drop some Trophies in your advantage

At some point, you will want to lose some trophies. Why? That’s because you will always want to get weaker players. When you have a lot of trophies, you will have to play against some hardcore players and you might start losing many battles.

To drop trophies, you will have to start a battle, deploy your hero and end the fight before your opponent takes any damage. After the battle, you will drop some trophies and your hero will be ready to get back in the action, costing you a small amount of gold!

5. Using the element of surprise

Hidden Tesla and Traps stay hidden from opponents and you will want to use them in your advantage. Surround your Town Hall with Teslas and trick your opponents to believe that the main building of your village is unprotected. They will not see it coming, we assure you!


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