WhatsApp Download Update Blue Tick Notifications for Android and iOS

The new WhatsApp version comes with some new blue notifications but not many users know what they actually mean.

The new WhatsApp version that was released by the developers, fixed many issues that the previous version had, but it also comes with one of the most waited features. This new feature will let you know if the message you’ve sent to someone was read.

However, not many users agreed with this new feature as they can’t hide from stalkers anymore, which make a lot of people to go back to the previous version of WhatsApp. The older version of WhatsApp didn’t have the blue ticks and instead of them there were only grey ticks which we’re noticing you when the message was sent to WhatsApp servers and when the recipient got the message into his/her device. Now, if you read a message that was sent by someone, the sender will notice the blue ticks, which mean that you’ve read the message.

In case you have the new WhatsApp version and your friend has the old one, even when he will read the message you will not see any blue ticks. This is why many users would prefer to keep the old WhatsApp version on their device rather than upgrade to the new version.

“Removing” WhatsApp blue ticks downgrading to 2.11.426 version

Many users upgraded to the latest WhatsApp version just because they didn’t know what changes it brings. Of course, the new version fixed a few bugs that were found in the latest version but it still comes with the blue ticks that are not enjoyed by everyone.

If you are a person that really cares about its privacy, then you should consider not installing the new version. As we told you above, if you have an older version of WhatsApp the blue ticks will not appear when you will read a message, which is quite important for many users. There are many stalkers or friends who keep bugging you all the time on WhatsApp, but you are so curious about reading what they wrote to you in the message. But at the same time, you don’t want them to know that you’ve read it, because if they would notice you’re online, they will keep bugging you.

In case you’ve upgraded to the new WhatsApp version, but you want to go back to the older version of WhatsApp which doesn’t have the “blue ticks” feature added, then uninstall the new WhatsApp version and install WhatsApp 2.11.426 version.

To do this, you will have to look on the internet for this older version, download the .apk file and install it on your device.

Tips and Tricks

There is a way that you can trick the application by turning Wi-Fi and data off and only after that read the WhatsApp message. This way, all the messages will be loaded but before you read them, disable the connections to read them. However, this gets very annoying if you keep disabling connections just to read a message from someone.

At the same time, many users are asking the developers to disable this feature or at least to give them an option to disable it.

What do you think about the new “blue ticks” feature? Do you enjoy it or you prefer keeping your old WhatsApp version until things get sorted out on the new version?

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