Samsung Galaxy S5 – 4 Tips to Get your Galaxy S5 Running Faster

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is now more than one year old in the smartphone industry and in fact; its successor is already out, which is of course the Samsung Galaxy S6.

The time that the Galaxy S5 has been around has proven to be enough for the company to release another product, but it does not necessarily mean you have to go to the shops for another Galaxy S smartphone, after having bought the other in less than half a year.

The Galaxy S5 may at times slowdown in performance and general response, which is something that is usually taken care of by doing a factory reset. However, you can still improve the performance of your Galaxy S5 smartphone, without necessarily having to go through the hassle of carrying out a factory reset. Here are a few things you can do to your Samsung Galaxy S5 and speed it up.

Ditch Samsung’s TouchWiz UI  

One major reason Samsung devices are constantly slowing down is due to this TouchWiz interface. Note that changing to a custom launcher will not kill all your enemies as far as lag problems are concerned, but the process brings down a significant number of issues that are associated with the Samsung interface. This won’t change the functionality of your default apps in any way; they will still be up and running.

To get an alternative launcher for your Android device, the Google Play Store is the best place to head. Here you will encounter launchers like Apex, Buzz, Action, Nova, Next and many others.

Disable auto start-up apps

When you power your Galaxy S5, there are applications that start along with the whole starting up process of the phone. These applications are huge distracters to the whole process, which eventually slow down the phone start up. With root access, you can go for an application like System Tuner and freeze any application that you don’t need running, whenever your phone starts up. Better still, you can still make use of Advanced Task Manager if you have no root access to your smartphone.

Another option would be to access your App Manager and through here, disable all apps that you aren’t using. Furthermore, ensure you have double checked that all Google apps are not set to sync automatically as this further slows down the phone, especially if the syncing apps are many; unless you want them that way. You can also do the same for auto updates since this will also contribute to lag issues in times when more than 20 apps start updating simultaneously.

Forget about widgets

If your Galaxy S5 home screen still has that default appearance from Samsung, you can still change it and get rid of the widgets that have been updated on the device. Widgets like Geo News, S Health, Galaxy Gifts, My Magazine and Galaxy Essentials may be playing a huge role in the lag of your phone with their constant syncing, which you probably don’t need. You can ditch a huge chunk of these widgets and in the process you’ll have a better performing home screen as it will have less to work on in order to keep you updated with what the company wants you to see.

Delete bloatware

You can take things a little further and get rid of some of the pre-installed apps. However, you must be willing to root your Galaxy S5. Based on the number of these pre-installed apps, it is no wonder the Galaxy S5 can’t just be fast enough as you’d want it to be. A huge number of these bloatware usually run background processes, monitoring, syncing and many other things; which end up slowing the S5. With root access, you can delete any app that you don’t want on your phone and install any that you want and in the end, you’ll have a faster running Galaxy S5.

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