Nintendo Amiibos in Card Version Coming Soon, NFC Readers Will Launch for Older 3DS

Nintendo Amiibo toys are a popular accessory among kids, gamers and even generic audience because they look adorably cute.

The idea might have sounded insane at launch, but soon it started making millions for the company.

Only a company like Nintendo could pull off a stunt like this and still not annoy people. If someone else would have started selling toys of game characters, it would have definitely made the public angry because these toys do nothing but store game content, save files so that they could be transferred with NFC. By using an amiibo toy, you can unlock special powers, save your achievements on it and transfer it while playing with a friend in his Wii U console. That’s all it does and yet it has gained so much popularity in very little time.

Card Format

Producing toy amiibos is a tough task that Nintendo has to handle but it is worth it when it comes to characters like the Link from Legend of Zelda, Mario or Donkey Kong. These characters have amazing popularity and sell like hot cakes. They have gone out of stock multiple times even though the company is repeatedly trying to fill it up.

The same cannot be said about other characters which have little fan following, which is why Nintendo is now planning to bring in new Amiibo cards. Instead of being toys, they will be a smart card that is easier to carry and will be instantly recognized when placed over a Wii U controller or the new 3DS console.

For older consoles, the company has confirmed that standalone NFC readers will be introduced. Players can connect them to the 3DS so that they could use the amiibo toys as well as the cards. You have to buy the peripheral separately which is worth the investment if you really love all those special power ups and the ability to carry your progress with you all the time.

Compatible with Animal Crossing

The first set of Nintendo Amiibo cards will be compatible with the title Animal Crossing. Soon, the company will start rolling out updates so that they could work with every other game. There might be Mario, Kong and even Link in card format because it much easier to carry them around than an actual toy. Besides, it is safe to use with children and can efficiently replace a toy. Nintendo confirmed that the most popular amiibos will always continue to ship as toys because of the growing demand.

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