Dragon Ball FighterZ Mod Adds Orange Piccolo – Watch Trailer

Credit: Bandai Namco

Say what you want about the latest Dragon Ball movie, but we all have to admit that it made a lot of fans happy by finally giving Piccolo the upper hand. The famous Namekian hasn’t been so relevant in Dragon Ball for decades as he has been in the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero film that was launched in 2022.

Piccolo received a major power boost from Shenron. As a result, the first master of Gohan received a brand new transformation. In the good old Toriyama-like humor, the Namekian became known simply as Orange Piccolo, becoming comparable in strength even with Super Saiyan Blue Goku. Piccolo and Gohan fought side by side against Cell Max, a new and improved version of the classic Dragon Ball Z villain who was simply known as Cell.

It was only a matter of time until Dragon Ball video games started to incorporate Piccolo’s most powerful transformation as well. For today, we need to learn about Orange Piccolo joining the fights in Dragon Ball FighterZ due to a new mod.

Orange Piccolo is available NOW in DBFZ

According to EventHubs, Orange Piccolo is available now to be played in Dragon Ball FighterZ due to a new mod by RCBurrito. The character has his own unique move set, as you’ve probably already guessed.

Orange Piccolo seems to rely more on his huge muscles rather than his special techniques, such as the iconic Special Beam Cannon, or at least that’s how things look at first glance from the trailer:

In the Dragon Ball franchise, Piccolo is one of the most important characters. He started off as a major villain back in the very first Dragon Ball series when Goku was just a kid. Later on, Piccolo became one of the good guys who was always willing to fight for justice and peace.


By Richard Gilliam

Richard Gilliam is a tech and gaming enthusiast and a writer for Ordoh.com, a news website covering the latest developments in these fields. He has been writing about technology and gaming for over five years, providing readers with comprehensive coverage of the latest trends and products. He is passionate about exploring the ever-evolving world of technology and how it affects our lives. His writing style is informative and entertaining, making it easy for readers to stay up to date on the latest trends in these fast-moving industries.

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