3 Reasons Why Android 5.1 Update is Better than iOS 8.2 Update

It has grown to become one of the most difficult things to compare the iOS and the Android mobile operating systems.

This is simply because each of these two platforms works hard to bring new features and improve functionality with each update they roll out.

Android is a product of Google while iOS is a product of Apple. Despite the two coming from two totally different developers, there are quite a number of areas that Android and iOS compare. In determining which OS between the two has made the best strides as far as rolling out updates for their respective latest operating systems is concerned, here is a look at how these two perform a  number of key tasks that are basic to every smartphone or tablet user.

Homescreen management

The Android 5.1 devices are well equipped when talking of Homescreen management. You can personalize the homescreen and add apps to it as you wish, which of course will save you time as you will have all your favorite apps within quick reach. In essence, the Android devices have a very organized and clean homescreen.

The latest iOS 8.2 update has all apps on the homescreen arranged in a horizontal shape, where the auto-form extends to the end of the line and the apps move to the next row on the screen. This shape will repeat itself until your homescreen runs out of room and in the end, your screen will be looking very chaotic.


The Android 5.1 Lollipop offers a very easy to navigate interface, where you can easily access everything you want on your phone. You’ll only find three buttons namely “Home”, “Recent apps” and “Back”. Navigation on a device using the iOS 8.2 is a little irritating, since the Apple devices usually come with a single Home button. However, every Apple app comes with a “back” option, which can be found at the upper left corner of your screen.


The Android 5.1 Lollipop will offer you some of the best and simplest chatting experience. You can keep chatting with your friends while at the same time doing something else on your phone. Furthermore, users of the latest Android 5.1 update can enjoy floating objects, something that the iOS 8.2 users have yet to experience on their devices.

The iOS 8.2 update also lacks the ability to let users multitask during chats. However, you can still manage to send a “quick reply” to the sender of the message, but you must be very quick so that you can catch the notification before it disappears. Better still, you will need to open the chat app in order to reply to the chat.

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