‘Back to the Dawn’ Becomes Available for PC Gamers

Credit: Steam

All those numerous gamers out there who are into RPG titles now have a new strong reason to remain on their tracks. Spiral Up Games, an indie games publisher based in Singapore, along with Metal Head Games, an indie games developer, made the big announcement that ‘Back to the Dawn’ has become available for PC.

‘Back to the Dawn’ is basically a prison survival & escape RPG, meaning that the player will have to confront all sorts of difficult situations to make it out. It’s an animal-themed game, meaning that there are plenty of reasons to love the new title!

‘Back to the Dawn’ is available on Steam Early Access

Those who are willing to give ‘Back to the Dawn’ a try already have that chance via Steam Early Access, as TGG reveals.

First of all, if you’re looking for a highly immersive game where the graphics look as if the game is a piece of reality, surely you will have to seek elsewhere! ‘Back to the Dawn’ has some retro graphics, but guess what? Believe it or not, that’s precisely the game’s charm for many folks out there. A lot of gamers, whether they’re nostalgic about much older gaming titles or not, don’t give two bytes about graphics. They only care about the action, as they need it to be entertaining, and about the story. And who are we to blame them?

As you’ve already guessed, you won’t need a hell of a PC hardware to run ‘Back to the Dawn’ on your PC. It’s enough if you have only 4GB of RAM and an Intel i5 processor to run the game. Mysteriously enough, the game will even work on the good old Windows 7 OS, if, by some chance, you still have it installed and running on your PC.

By Richard Gilliam

Richard Gilliam is a tech and gaming enthusiast and a writer for Ordoh.com, a news website covering the latest developments in these fields. He has been writing about technology and gaming for over five years, providing readers with comprehensive coverage of the latest trends and products. He is passionate about exploring the ever-evolving world of technology and how it affects our lives. His writing style is informative and entertaining, making it easy for readers to stay up to date on the latest trends in these fast-moving industries.

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