Apple iOS 9 vs. iOS 8 – How Much Has Apple Improved iOS?

We are nearing the one year cycle by which time Apple always releases an update to its iOS eco system.

The company announced the iOS 9 update which will be available by September or October. By then, the users can download the beta version and see how much Apple improved from iOS 8 to iOS 9. Here are some of the major improvements.

Siri and Search

Apple announced a new Search feature two years ago with the iOS 7 update. But now, the Search and Siri feature work together to create a one of a kind user experience. In the iOS 8, the search feature could be used for searching through Wikipedia, news, places, applications and songs. In the iOS 9, Search and Siri will work together to adjust to your needs, preferences and get a more proactive virtual assistant. For example, you can ask Siri questions like “Show me pictures from my birthday last year” and the assistant will find the photos. The new search feature can be accessed by swiping down on the home screen or swiping right on the first page of the home screen. Siri will always suggest people, places, and much more based on your daily use of your device.


Another application that is getting improved with the iOS 9 is Maps. One of the features that were missing in iOS 8 is the ability to plan routes. Luckily for the users, the new iOS 9 will add that feature and much more. You can plan routes by buses, trains and much more, as the app will show you the instructions and guidelines on how to get from Point A to Point B. Your Maps application will also suggest restaurants, bars, shopping malls, entertainment venues and much more.


Apple’s Newsstand application was dead long before the iOS 8. With news and information becoming more integral part of our lives, Apple is redesigning the app into News. The new application works like Flipboard, collecting stories and publications based on your preferences, interests and lifestyle and displays them for you. There are more than a million topics you can explore via the News app.


With the update to the Notes application, the iOS 9 will allow you to add smart cards, including photos, documents, maps and URLs to your notes. Additionally, checklists make an appearance in the iOS 9 Notes applications and you can list everything you can think of and then check the things off the list one by one.


Most of the new multitasking features will be exclusive for the iPad, as the iPhone is not large enough to provide the space for multitasking. The new iOS 9 will bring three new features that will make multitasking easier. The first one, called “Slide Over” will let you open another application alongside the app you are already using. You can reply to messages while you play your favorite video game by simply swiping in from the edge to launch the slide over feature.

Another multitasking feature is “Split View”, which splits the screen in two sections, allowing you to operate two apps at the same time. You can also arrange the size of the windows, as they don’t necessary need to be at 50:50 ratio. You can adjust the ratio to 60:40, 80:20 and whatever you like.

Last. but not the least, the iOS 9 brings the Picture in Picture feature. With this feature, you can press the home button to shrink your video in the bottom right corner, and perform other tasks while the video is playing, such as sending emails. All three features should vastly improve the multitasking power of the iOS 9, something that was not a strength of the iOS 8.

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