Fallout 4 Will Be Released With Awesome Online Multiplayer Mode

It seems that Fallout 4 will feature an online multiplayer mode if the recent rumors prove to be right.

Users from 4Chan website have revealed a document that belongs to Sony which contains details about some upcoming games. The Fallout 4 game was included in the specific document and it seems that the game will come with an online multiplayer game mode.

Bethesda is a company that usually releases single player games, but it seems that they’ve that more and more players tend to play games online. Gamers nowadays like competitive games and since they can play against some good players on the internet, this is a great feature that needs to be added to all multiplayer games.

GNR_Informant from Reddit, revealed that Fallout 4 is already under development for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. GNR_Informant claims that he knows the public relation officer from Bethesda. If the information from GNR_Informant is true, the upcoming Fallout 4 will be settled in Boston and it will be a direct sequel to Fallout 3.

The Informant also claimed that Boston will be unlike everything we’ve ever seen in Fallout before. The buildings will have a more retro-futurism and cyberpunk theme. Androids will play a big part of this game and the railroad from Fallout 3 will be a faction. The enemies of the railroad faction will be called “The Plantation” which is a faction that forces Androids to farm so that Humans will have what to eat. The Institute will be a highly advanced faction which will most likely have their own GECK to start a farm.

Fallout 4 on the next-generation consoles

As we told you above, we’re pretty sure that Fallout 4 will be the first game from the series that will be released on both next-generation consoles Xbox One and PlayStation 4. However, that doesn’t mean that the game will come with significantly improvements into graphics.

For now, there are rumors that Bethesda will run the Skyrim game engine for Fallout 4, which means that the developers plans to release the game for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 too. This way, they will be able to release the game for more players, which didn’t upgrade yet to the next-generation consoles.

While many are hoping that Bethesda will actually develop a new game engine for Fallout 4, the chances are quite low because to create a new game engine, this will require a few years to develop and it we don’t believe Bethesda wants to delay Fallout 4 even more.

Will Bethesda prefer to delay Fallout 4 more by developing a new game engine for it or it will release running it on Skyrim game engine?

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