You’re Feeding Your Dog Wrong According To New Study

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Multiple cases of human disease have been linked to dog food laced with E. coli and salmonella, which is more common in conventional and homemade raw food diets. Many of these diets require that pet owners prepare their dogs’ food at home, according to research.

Less than 5% of respondents were knowledgeable of FDA recommendations for dog food. Most dog owners don’t clean their hands following feeding the animals, increasing the chance of pups with weak immune systems.

In addition, 22% of those polled said they wash their dishes on average once a week. Moreover, a dozen percent of those polled said they wash their dishes at least once a day, while 18 percent said they wash their dishes less than once a year or never.

The authors discovered that the great majority of dog owners in the study were unaware of but also did not respect FDA rules for handling and storing pet food. There is a risk of salmonella and listeriosis in pet food and treats, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

A bowl contamination study involving 50 dog owners (out of a total of 68 canines) was conducted over an eight-day period. For the aerobic plate number, the researchers swabbed the plates and divided individuals into 3 groups: Participants in Group A were instructed to wash their hands thoroughly on food products, to avoid utilizing the bowl as a scooper, to wash the bowl and cutlery with hot soapy water after each use, to dispose of leftover food in an approved way, and to keep dried pet nourishment in its own package.

For those with impaired immune systems, the authors believe this knowledge is particularly critical. Researchers hope that pet owners and veterinarians will utilize this study’s results to assess the influence feeding cleanliness might have on pets’ enjoyment and wellbeing, immunocompromised humans, and zoonotic illnesses, those transmitted among animals & people in light of this research.

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